Tuesday, 30 September 2014

Confessions Part II

For all you Usher fans out there, I apologise if you've found this post due to the title. It is clearly misleading. 

"There are bridges you cross you didn't
know you crossed until you crossed." Deep.
This post serves as a follow up to my last (proper) post in March. It's been a while. It's also been a while between today and when I actually started writing this post. And I am very aware of how much smack I talk, so apologies if you're bored by my ramblings. Just easier to type it all out here than talk to someone face to face and see their eyes glaze over. 

What's been going on? Not too much. I went to Melbourne with one of my best friends. It was super pleasant. Saw Wicked then Les Mis, hit up galleries, shopped in the places with the free wifi, ate dumplings and dim sum, watched as many World Cup games as possible, and lost money at the casino. We did well. 

As a result of this trip (which was in June/July) I have been listening to the Wicked soundtrack almost everyday. Once something is in my head, it takes a long time to go away. However, if I'm not listening to it, I'm listening to the Harry Potter audio books. I'm up to Prisoner of Azkaban. It's been less than 2 weeks since I started. I spend my time well.

My last post talked about wanting to work as an editor. So, last month I quit my job to take up a job as an editor at Te Kura - The Correspondence School. I'm just covering maternity leave, but I figured it's a good step in the right direction. Going well so far, great group of people, always learning new things I clearly never learnt at high school, and gaining invaluable editing experience. 

It is now September as I come to complete this post. I started it in June I think, so it's taken me a short while. I forget about the drafts, upload reviews instead, etc. I've also stopped listening to the HP audio books in preparation for our trip overseas (need something else on the plane, just in case).

My favourite.
Life's been busy too. Sort of. Work's good, actually being able to call myself an editor is rather satisfying. I spend my days editing the work students enrolled with Te Kura will be given next year. As I tell people, I'm learning all the things I never paid attention to in school.

I guess the more exciting thing is that it's exactly one month today until we leave for America. My partner will be running the NY marathon on November 2, while I eat bagels and drink coffee. Then South Carolina, Orlando, and Hawaii. 

I have no doubt my next post will be some time long after that trip, explaining how great Harry Potter Land is.

Until then,
